- A nun and a man in overalls got off.
一个尼姑和一名身着工装的男人走下了火车。 - When Daisy became a nun, she burned her brides behind her.
戴西成为尼姑后,就等于自断后路,别的事都不能干了。 - The girl took vows to become a teaching nun.
这姑娘出家为修女,从事教书。 - Arriving at the convent, the nun went on her way.
Lange ignoriert, nun gern gelesen. Der Weg Rafik Schamis auf den polnischen Buchmarkt
Positive emotions in early life and longevity: findings from the nun study.
Head circumference, education and risk of dementia: findings from the Nun Study
Brain infarction and the clinical expression of Alzheimer disease. The Nun Study.
Hippocampal volume as an index of Alzheimer neuropathology Findings from the Nun Study
Three-dimensional seismic interpretation and fault sealing investigations, Nun River Field, Nigeria
Positive emotions in early life and longevity: Findings from the Nun study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 80(5), 804...
Alzheimer's neurofibrillary pathology and the spectrum of cognitive function: Findings from the Nun Study
Serum folate and the severity of atrophy of the neocortex in Alzheimer disease: findings from the Nun study
Linguistic ability in early life and cognitive function and Alzheimer's disease in late life. Findings from the Nun Study