- He felt obligated to help.
他觉得有责任予以帮助。 - I'm not obligated to share every little detail of my life with you.
我没有义务让你知道我生活的每一个小细节。 - We were obligated to attend the opening ceremony.
我们有必要参加开幕式。 - I would not obligate society to treat me a certain way,and I never thought like that.
我不去强求社会应该对我怎样,我从来没想过。 - Like installing such water heater to need to resemble installing air conditioning obligate passageway.
- Rural obligate education drops behind, and becomes the bottleneck of Chinese compulsory universal education's goal.
农村义务教育的落后,成了中国普及义务教育的瓶颈。 - Because kitchen area is not large, before decorating, we had better come down the product surely with obligate position.
Areflexie: kein obligates Symptom bei dissoziiertem Hirntod
Good Fortune Obligates: Gratitude, Philanthropy, and Colonialism
Good Fortune Obligates: Albert Schweitzer’s Second Ethical Principle
Good Fortune Obligates: Albert Schweitzer’s Second Ethical Principle
Obligates Screening auf Mangelernährung im Klinikalltag. Eine prospektive Evaluation
Albert Schweitzer's 'other thought' fortune obligates
The paradox of overlapping micronutrient risks and benefits obligates risk/benefit analysis.
EU noise mapping: the EU environmental noise directive (end) obligates the EU member states to map environmental noise in urban aggl...
Privacy Law - Stored Communications Act - District Court Holds That SCA Warrant Obligates U.S. Provider to Produce Emails Stored on ...
Tough Pill to Swallow: Whether the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Obligates Catholic Organizations to Cover Their Employ...