occupational health职业保健
occupational safety职业安全
occupational disease职业病
occupational exposure职业照射
occupational therapy职业疗法
occupational hazard职业危害;职业危险
occupational status职业地位
occupational accident职业性意外事故
occupational medicine职业医学;职业病科
occupational therapist职业疗法专家
- The report pointed out that social and occupational factors normally play an important part in determining mortality.
报告指出,社会与职业的因素在正常情况下对死亡就有重要影响。 - Statistics on occupational mortality have been of greater value in these respects than in initiating the study of new aetiological agents.
Occupational Choice and the Process of Development
Occupational Choice and the Process of Development
Occupational therapy practice framework: domain & practice, 2nd edition.
Race, Poverty, and The American Occupational Structure
Occupational exposure to asbestos: population at risk and projected mortality--1980-2030
Organizations, Stratification, and The American Occupational Structure
Sharing Meaning Across Occupational Communities: The Transformation of Understanding on a Production Floor
Early physical and occupational therapy in mechanically ventilated, critically ill patients: a randomised controlled trial.
Elemental Carbon-Based Method for Monitoring Occupational Exposures to Particulate Diesel Exhaustâ
Adult Outcome of Hyperactive Boys: Educational Achievement, Occupational Rank, and Psychiatric Status