The origin of the Ocoee SupergroupStratigraphy of Ocoee Series, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee and North CarolinaHepatitis A epidemics from utility sewage in Ocoee, Florida.Egg Recognition Cues and Maternal Behavior in Desmognathus OcoeeMetal release from bottom sediments of Ocoee Lake No. 3, a primary catchment area for the Ducktown Mining DistrictPaleontological evidence of Paleozoic age for the Walden Creek Group, Ocoee Supergroup, TennesseeEffective coping strategies in stressful outdoor recreation situations: conflict on the Ocoee River.The effects of repeated handling and corticosterone treatment on behavior in an amphibian (Ocoee salamander: Desmognathus ocoee).Determinants of clinal variation in life history of dusky salamanders (Desmognathus ocoee): prey abundance and ecological limits on ...An acute stressor alters steroid hormone levels and activity but not sexual behavior in male and female Ocoee salamanders (Desmognat...