A simple and flexible device to odorize large stimulation areasVerfahren zum odorieren von fluessigem erdgas A method for odorize of liquid natural gasTemporal Patterns in Spontaneous and Odour‐evoked Mitral Cell Discharges Recorded in Anaesthetized Freely Breathing AnimalsA farm scale study on the use of De-Odorase® for reducing odour and ammonia emissions from intensive fattening piggeriesBacillus asahii sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from soil with the ability to deodorize the bad smell generated from short-chai...Deactivation of fiber-supported La 0.65 Sr 0.35 Ni 0.29 Co 0.69 Fe 0.02 O 3 catalyst by mercaptan during combustion of methane or n...Automatic Filtering and Reodorization of Adsorbed Natural Gas Storage SystemsComposting Wet Olive Husks with a Starter Based on Oil-Depleted Husks Enhances Compost HumificationOccupational obstructive airway diseases caused by the natural gas odorant tetrahydrothiophene—two case reportsFuel cell leak detection