Queen's offcast draws a crowdQueen's offcast draws a crowd; Area that has seen revitalization plans falter before reborn as a hot property.(Special Report: Comme...Fractography off cast gypsumApparatus for cutting off cast parts from a runner of a casting bodyStrictly Nonblocking Design off-cast Photonic Multi-log2N Networks with Crosstalk ConstraintsMMMIEncodes a MitochondrialOuterMembraneProtein Essential for Establishingand Maintainingthe Structureoffcast MitochondriaStrictly Nonblocking Design off-cast Photonic Multi-log2N Networks with Crosstalk ConstraintsAPPARATUS FOR CUTTING OFF CAST SLAB IN CONTINUOUS CASTING FACILITYCast-Off CastawayEL SECTOR AZUCARERO Y LA ECONOMÍA VALLECAUCANA Sasha Magyaroff Castaño