- He is a harsh man, at once pompous and officious.
他是个严酷的人,既自负又爱管闲事。 - I disliked Betty because she was officious.
The test of the officious bystander
Officious men of state: Early Modern Drama and Early English Bureaucratic Identity
Officious Intermeddlers or Citizen Experts? Petitions and Public Production of Information in Environmental Law
Officious Intermeddling, Interloping Chauvinism, Restatement (Second), and Leflar: Wisconsin's Choice of Law Melting Pot
Baby Jane Doe: stating a cause of action against the officious intermeddler
Quoting rules seems to be a defence that the 'unreasonably' officious use
Officious Intermeddling or Protected First Amendment Activity? the Constitutionality of Prohibitory Champerty Law after Citizens Uni...
Officious Meddler or Ethical Advocate? Corporate Counsel's Model Rule 1.13 Obligation to Report Up the Ladder: Defining "Related to ...
Topic IV: Defenses and objections to liability in restitution: Is unjust enrichment law an officious intermeddler?