OghamOghamOghamOGHAM STONESTHE OGHAM ALPHABET—A MILITARY ORIGIN?An ogham-inscribed plaque from Bornais, South UistAn Ogham inscribed knife-handle from south-west NorfolkOGHAM: On-demand global hosts for mobile ad-hoc multicast servicesThe Ogham Inscriptions and the Roman Alphabet: Two Traditions or One?An Early Date For Ogham: The Silchester Ogham Stone RehabilitatedThe ogham-inscribed spindle-whorl from Buckquoy: evidence for the Irish language in pre-Viking Orkney?An ealry date for Ogham: the Silchester Ogham stone rehabilitated: the Silchester Ogham stone rehabilitatedA partial reading of the stones: A comparative analysis of Irish and Scottish ogham pillar stones