- An oil well blew out in the oil field.
Mineralization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by a bacterium isolated from sediment below an oil fieldOil field wastewater treatment in Biological Aerated Filter by immobilized microorganismsAliphatic acid anions in oil-field waters-implications for origin of natural gasRedistribution of Calving Caribou in Response to Oil Field Development on the Arctic Slope of AlaskaCharacterization of 16S rRNA genes from oil field microbial communities indicates the presence of a variety of sulfate-reducing, fer...Cumulative impacts of an evolving oil-field complex on the distribution of calving caribouPetroleum, oil field waters, and authigenic mineral assemblages Are they in metastable equilibrium in hydrocarbon reservoirs ☆Hydrolytically stable polymers for use in oil field cementing methods and compositionsComposition and placement process for oil field chemicalsBIODEGRADABLE FOAM COMPOSITIONS FOR OIL FIELD OPERATIONS