yuan dynasty元代;元朝
executive yuan行政院
yuan shikai袁世凯(1859-1916,中国北洋军阀首领)
- I valued the house at 50,000 yuan.
我估计这所房子值五万元。 - These apples cost five yuan per kilogram.
于安于安于桉余安于安于安 Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic :Counterexample-Guided Abstraction RefinementINTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEWThe C. elegans cell death gene ced-3 encodes a protein similar to mammalian interleukin-1 beta-converting enzymeA Pacific Interdecadal Climate Oscillation with Impacts on Salmon ProductionNational, regional, and global trends in body mass index since 1980: Systematic analysis of health examination surveys and epidemiol...Model selection and estimation in regression with grouped variablesCaspase-12 mediates endoplasmic-reticulum-specific apoptosis and cytotoxicity by amyloid-beta.Fuzzy set and fuzzy logic: Theory and applications