- History is the best antidote to delusions of omnipotence and omniscience.
历史是对于全能全知幻觉最好的解毒药。 - As a philosophical and jurisprudential idea, it has problems similar to the omnipotence paradox.
议会主权作为哲学和法理学上的理念,存在有似于全能悖论的问题。 - Psychologists speak of the infantile myth of omnipotence.
OmnipotenceOmnipotenceOmnipotenceThe Omnipotence of VoicesAssessing the omnipotence of inositol hexakisphosphateThe omnipotence of voices: testing the validity of a cognitive modelThe omnipotence of voices. A cognitive approach to auditory hallucinationsThe omnipotence of voices. II: The Beliefs About Voices Questionnaire (BAVQ).The power and omnipotence of voices: subordination and entrapment by voices and significant othersChallenging the omnipotence of the suprachiasmatic timekeeper: are circadian oscillators present throughout the mammalian brain?