Stratigraphic context of fossil hominids from the Omo group deposits: northern Turkana Basin, Kenya and Ethiopia.Biogenic and Diagenetic Sr/Ca in Plio-Pleistocene Fossils of the Omo Shungura FormationMaking Sense of Past, Present and Future. Images of Modern and Past Pastoralism among Nyangatom Herders in South Omo, EthiopiaA linear programming approach for sustainable harvesting schedule for Tectona grandis Linn F. in Omo Forest Reserve, NigeriaOmo virus a new nairovirus bunyaviridae of the qalyub group isolated from a rodent in southern ethiopiaStratigraphic context of fossil hominids from the Omo group deposits: Northern Turkana Basin, Kenya and Ethiopia (p 595-622)Premixed charge compression ignition engine with optimal combustion controlRisk factors for noncompliance with glaucoma follow-up visits in a residents’ eye clinic ☆GPS Tracking of Foraging AlbatrossesMicroalbuminuria and endothelial dysfunction in essential hypertension