Nitrogen vs. Phophorus as Implant Species for High-Voltage Lateral RESURF MOSFETs on 4H-SiC
The Next Inconvenient Truth: Peak Phophorus
Ostéologie et relations phylogénétiques de Steurbautichthys ( Pholidophophorus ) aequatorialis gen. nov. (Teleostei, Pholidophor...
Study the rate of soybean absorbing the phophorus in different soil types
Phophorus Metabolism in Human Erythrocyte: I. Paper-Chromatographic Separation of Acid-Soluble Phophorus Compounds Incorporating P32
Response of common buckwheat to nitrogen and phophorus fertilization.
Phophorus-containing HMG-COA reductase inhibitors
Study on the Technology of Synthesis Dimethyl Ether with Bi-Function Catalyst by Phophorus Modified
Effect of phophorus and weed control on fenugreek (Trigonella foenum - graecum L.)