Omphalos: An Attempt to Untie the Geological KnotThe Omphalos Context-Free Grammar Learning CompetitionThe Omphalos Context-Free Grammar Learning CompetitionThe Omphalos Context-Free Grammar Learning CompetitionThe Omphalos Context-Free Language Larning CompetitionA Class of Etruscan Bronze Omphalos-BowlsOmphalos mundi: the pictorial tradition of the theme of Amsterdam and the four continents, circa 1600-1665Learning deterministic context free grammars: The Omphalos competitionBoth omphalos and margin: on how the Pa'ikwené, Palikur. See themselves to be atthe center and on the edge at the same timeProgressing the state-of-the-art in grammatical inference by competition: The Omphalos Context-Free Language Learning Competition