Onanist HeavenCarwin the Onanist?Neues vom König der OnanistenAz onanista alakja a 20. századi MagyarországonThe Onanist's Escape From Architectural CaptivityCzy onanista to też Polak? Debata o masturbacji 1993-1994Doctor, Patient, and Onanist Diseases in the Nineteenth CenturyEntre monstros, onanistas e incorrigíveis: as noções de "normal"e "anormal"nos cursos de Michel Foucault no Collège de FranceGymnastics as an anti-onanistic tool in shaping school physical education in 19th-century Spain: The birth of a school disciplineGYMNASTICS AS AN ANTI-ONANISTIC TOOL IN SHAPING SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN 19TH CENTURY SPAIN: DISCOURSE RECEPTION A GINÁSTICA CO...