OpisthognathousOpisthognathousOpisthognathousRostropria, a new genus of opisthognathous diapriine wasp from Australia, and notes on the genus Neurogalesus (Hymenoptera: Proctotr...A phylogenetic study of the lateral head, neck, and prothoracic regions in some Apterygota and lower PterygotaTHE CLASSIFICATION OF LEAF BEETLESEVOLUTION AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE CHRYSOMELID BEETLESIDENTIFIKASI, SIKLUS HIDUP DAN PENYEBARAN KUTULILIN PINUS Pineus boerneri ANNAND (HEMIPTERA : ADELGIDAE) DI HUTAN TANAMAN PINUS DI P...On the Skull of the ægithognathous BirdsTranspiration from othognathous spiders of Thailand and Burma