- They showed violent opposition to the oppressor.
他们对压迫者表现出强烈的不满。 - Our people are suffering at the hands of an oppressor.
我们的人民正在暴君的统治下受苦。 - He was assailed as an oppressor of the people, who ground the faces of the poor.
他被人抨击为人民的压迫者,骑在穷人的头上。 - They refused to bend beneath the oppressor's yoke.
Pedagogy of the Oppressor
Qallunology: A Pedagogy for the Oppressor.
The Oppressor Within: A Counterstory of Race, Repression, and Teacher Reflection
Dewey, Freire, and a Pedagogy for the Oppressor.
Naming the Oppressor, Not Punishing the Oppressed: Atheism and Feminist Legitimacy
Voice of the Oppressed in the Language of the Oppressor
Teaching about being an oppressor. Some personal and political considerations.
Development of a positive professional identity: liberating oneself from the oppressor within.
Teaching for Global Community: Overcoming the Divide and Conquer Strategies of the Oppressor
The voice of the oppressed in the language of the oppressor : a discussion of selected postcolonial literature from Ireland, Africa ...