- The low ceiling of the room gave me a feeling of oppression.
低矮的屋顶给我一种压抑的感觉。 - They did not crouch under the oppression.
他们受压迫而不屈服。 - They were aggrieved by oppression and extortion.
Racial oppression in America
Women's Oppression Today: Problems in Marxist Feminist Analysis
Sexual Risk as an Outcome of Social Oppression
Women's Oppression Today: Problems in Marxist Feminist Analysis by Michelle Barrett
Nothing About Us Without Us:Disability Oppression and Empowerment
Latino gay men and HIV: risk behavior as a sign of oppression.
Understanding, Resisting, and Overcoming Oppression: Toward Psychopolitical Validity
The role of power in wellness, oppression, and liberation: The promise of psychopolitical validity.
Oppression and Discrimination among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered People and Communities: A Challenge for Community Psyc...
Sexual risk as an outcome of social oppression: data from a probability sample of Latino gay men in three U.S. cities.