The Fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications by E. Oran BrighamA Study of an Intense Density Front in the Eastern Alboran Sea: The Almeria-Oran FrontApplication of diode array detection with a C-30 reversed phase column for the separation and identification of saponified orange ju...Comparison between generalm Oran's index and getis-ord generalg of spatialautocorrelationPolar Politics: Creating International Environmental Regimes by Oran R. Young; Gail OsherenkoA Paleocene deep episode in the Oran area (Djebel Tessala, Algeria): the ostracofauna and paleoenvironmental fluctuationsAntifungal activity of lemon ( Citrus lemon L.), mandarin ( Citrus reticulata L.), grapefruit ( Citrus paradisi L.) and orange ( ...Bargaining: Formal Theories of Negotiation. by Oran R. YoungThe fast Fourier transform and its applicationsThe globalization of socio-ecological systems: An agenda for scientific research