UNILATERAL ORCHOTOMY FOR ENLARGEMENT OF THE PROSTATE.SOME OF THE RECENT RESULTS OF ORCHOTOMY FOR ENLARGED PROSTATEOrchotomy For Enlarged ProstateUnilateral Orchotomy.How to close open choledochotomy: primary closure, primary closurewith T-tube drainage, or choledochoduodenostomy?Healing of the bile duct anastomosis after transverse choledochotomy or transplantation of the liver in the pigInfective complications after choledochotomy. Incidence after T-tube drainage of the common bile duct or after choledochoduodenostomy.[Oddi's sphincter surgery without choledochotomy or external biliary drainage]Postoperative ERCP versus laparoscopic choledochotomy for clearance of selected bile duct calculi: a randomized trialCholedochotomy for biliary lithiasis: T-tube drainage or primary closure. Effects on postoperative bacteremia and T-tube bile infect...