Essentially, OrgeatUeber den Mandelsyrup (Sirop d'orgeat)Ueber den Mandelsyrup (Sirop d'orgeat)[Hygienic-sanitary control of orgeat]. [Spanish]Upgrade Your Orgeat, and You'l Find Not All Tiki Drinks Fit under the Same Umbrella[Microbiological study of orgeat making in Alboraya town (Valencia) [Spain]]RP-HPLC Determination of Tiger Nut and Orgeat Amino acid Contents[Hygienic-sanitary study on orgeat: application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points]PRODUCT WHICH IS FERMENTED WITHOUT LACTOSE FROM A SHAKE COMPRISING NON-VEGETABLE DRIED FRUITS AND/OR ORGEATPRODUCT WHICH IS FERMENTED WITHOUT LACTOSE FROM A SHAKE COMPRISING NON-VEGETABLE DRIED FRUITS AND/OR ORGEAT