Atmospheric fate of several hydrofluoroethanes and hydrochloroethanes. II - UV absorption cross sections and atmospheric lifetimesExperimental testing of a discrete-time sliding mode controller for trajectory tracking of a wheeled mobile robot in the presence of...Counterclockwise rotation of late Eocene-Oligocene fore-arc deposits in southern Peru and its significance for oroclinal bending in ...Can the serological status of “anti‐HBc alone” be considered a sentinel marker for detection of “occult” HB...Nausea and vomiting followin thyroid and parathyroid surgeryAncient DNA sequences point to a large loss of mitochondrial genetic diversity in the saiga antelope ( Saiga tatarica ) since the Pl...Brines exposed to Europa surface conditionsAlexithymia, coping, and illness behavior correlates of pain experience in cancer patientsPhotosynthetic performance of freshwater Rhodophyta in response to temperature, irradiance, pH and diurnal rhythm. Phycolog ResPrimary Hyperparathyroidism Patients with Positive Preoperative Sestamibi Scan and Negative Ultrasound Are More Likely to Have Poste...