- Some of the figures ornamented on the door came forward so that they looked real.
Why are female birds ornamented?
Half-Mirror-Ornamented Key Sheet and Keytops
Male pipefish prefer ornamented females
Males prefer ornamented females: a field experiment of male choice in the rock sparrow
Amundsen T. Why are female birds ornamented? Trends Ecol Evol 15: 149-155
Elaborately Ornamented Males Avoid Costly Parental Care in the House Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus): A Proximate Perspective
Female kestrels gain reproductive success by choosing brightly ornamented males
Female choice and annual reproductive success favour less-ornamented male house sparrows
Streptomyces malaysiensis sp. nov., a new streptomycete species with rugose, ornamented spores.
The Streptomyces violaceusniger clade: a home for Streptomycetes with rugose ornamented spores.