
  • 网络鸣禽亚目;鸣禽类
  • 英英释义


    • n.two names for the suborder of typical songbirds

      同义词:suborder OscinesPasseressuborder Passeres



    Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Fringillidae, "New World nine-primaried oscines"(Aves: Passeriformes).
    Nuclear DNA Evolution and Phylogeny of the New World Nine-Primaried Oscines
    A Phylogeny of the Oscines
    Appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried oscines (Aves: Passeriformes)
    Distributed representation in the song system of oscines: evolutionary implications and functional consequences.
    Major divisions of oscines revealed by insertions in the nuclear gene c-myc: A novel gene in avian phylogenetics (vol 117, pg 1077, ...
    Major Divisions in Oscines Revealed by Insertions in the Nuclear Gene c-myc: A Novel Gene in Avian Phylogenetics
    Zur Kenntnis des Samenöffnens und der Struktur des hörnernen Gaumens bei körnerfressenden Oscines
    Relationships in the New World Nine-Primaried Oscines
    Ecomorphological patterns of aerial feeding in oscines (Passeriformes: Passeri)