Amongthespeciesthatappearto be particularly affectedarewhite-throatedsparrows,commonyellowthroatsandovenbirds,figuressuggest.
OvenbirdsEffects of Forest Roads on Habitat Quality for Ovenbirds in a Forested LandscapeAnnual Survival of Adult American Redstarts and Ovenbirds in the Southern Boreal ForestPrior Breeding Success Affects Return Rates of Territorial Male OvenbirdsSeason-long fecundity, survival, and viability of ovenbirds in fragmented and unfragmented landscapes.Season㎜ong Fecundity, Survival, and Viability of Ovenbirds in Fragmented and Unfragmented LandscapesHabitat‐specific effects of food abundance on the condition of ovenbirds wintering in JamaicaEffects of Habitat Fragmentation on Pairing Success of Ovenbirds: Importance of Male Age and Floater BehaviorInfluence of Food Abundance, Nest-Site Habitat, and Forest Fragmentation on Breeding OvenbirdsUSING ISOTOPIC VARIANCE TO DETECT LONG-DISTANCE DISPERSAL AND PHILOPATRY IN BIRDS: AN EXAMPLE WITH OVENBIRDS AND AMERICAN REDSTARTS