Overharvesting of resources of unknown sizeIs Nevada Overharvesting Black Bears?Medicinal Plants and OverharvestingBioeconomic losses from overharvesting tuna.Risks of overharvesting seed from native tallgrass prairiesSocial Dilemmas are Only Part of the Story to Explain Overharvesting of Renewable Resources2. Bushmeat consumption as a food security issue: 2.2 Signs and consequences of overharvestingSalt Marshes Under Siege: Agricultural practices, land development and overharvesting of the seas explain complex ecological cascade...Detecting signatures of selection in a population of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) subject to overharvesting in Lesser Sla...All for the Love of Appalachia's Stinky Onion ; the Ramp, a Wild Onion Savored by Foodies, Is Now in Season. but Overharvesting Mean...