"OVERSLAUGH"OVERSLAUGH"OVERSLAUGH"The effects of parathyroid hormone on phosphate transport.Hypercalcemic and hyperphosphatemic actions of dihydrotachysterol, vitamin D2 and Hytakerol (AT-10) in rats and in dogs.東北角雙溪河口魚類週期性變動之研究Research on Arable Land Potential and Carrying Capacity in Mid and West ChinaA NEW TECHNOLOGY OF SEPARATION OF FLUORITE FROM BARITE MINERAL BY FLOTATION AND MECHANISMBraided product and method of making sameViral vaccinesCover for cooking stove heating elementAlpha-recoil damage in natural zirconolite and perovskite.Strategies for coping with feed scarcity among urban and peri-urban livestock farmers in Kampala, Uganda