packed bed填充层
packed column填充塔;填充蒸馏塔
packed tower填料塔;[生化]填充塔
closely packed密堆积的
packed like sardines拥挤得象沙丁鱼罐头一样;装得极满的;过于拥挤的
packed goods包装货物
be packed with挤满;塞满
- The chaplain came and preached to a packed church.
牧师来给挤满教堂的人们讲道。 - In a packed and silent courtroom the judge began to sum up.
在挤满人的肃静的法庭上,法官开始对诉讼案件加以扼要评述。 - Yet he took time out from his packed schedule to receive us.
他非常繁忙,但仍挤出时间来接见我们。 - I'm all packed and ready to go.
Fluid flow through packed columns
Synthesis of Hexagonally Packed Mesoporous TiO2 by a Modified Sol–Gel Method
Slip, twinning, and fracture in hexagonal close-packed metals
Reduction of Mutual Coupling Between Closely-Packed Antenna Elements
Direct spatial search on pictorial databases using packed R-trees
Ultrahigh-pressure reversed-phase liquid chromatography in packed capillary columns.
Long-range resonance transfer of electronic excitations in close-packed CdSe quantum-dot solids.
Synthesis and characterization of monodisperse nanocrystals and close packed nanocrystal assembles
Synthesis and Characterization of Monodisperse Nanocrystals and Close-Packed Nanocrystal Assemblies
On the process of transition of the cubic-body-centered modification into the hexagonal-close-packed modification of zirconium. Phys...