packing machine包装机;打包机
packing material包装材料;填充材料
packing list装箱单
packing box填料盒;填料函
packing machinery包装机械
plastic packing塑料包装;塑料填密
vacuum packing真空包装
packing density组装密度;记录密度;存储密度
packing seal密封垫,填料密封
packing tower[化]填料塔
improper packing包装不妥
packing paper包装纸
packing up包装
blister packing气泡包装;起泡包装
packing case装运货物的箱子
packing method包装方法
export packing出口包装
packing container包装箱
packing charge包装费
kind of packing包装种类
- His new TV came in a big packing case.
他新购的电视机是装在一只大的包装箱内运来的。 - Phillip is packing up his goods.
The packing of α-helices: simple coiled-coils
Areas, volumes, packing and protein structure
A typology of cutting and packing problems
Atomic packing and short-to-medium-range order in metallic glasses
VPR: a new packing, placement and routing tool for FPGA research
VPR: a new packing, placement and routing tool for FPGA research
An improved typology of cutting and packing problems
Crystal Structure of a Group I Ribozyme Domain: Principles of RNA Packing
Tertiary templates for proteins. Use of packing criteria in the enumeration of allowed sequences for different structural classes.
Structure of DNA-Cationic Liposome Complexes: DNA Intercalation in Multilamellar Membranes in Distinct Interhelical Packing Regimes