- You can't say things like that on Paddington Station.
在帕丁顿车站你可不能那样地谈话。 - Nissan Automotive has its European design headquarters in Paddington, central London.
The Paddington Alcohol TestThe Paddington Alcohol Test: a short reportA Systemic Analysis of the Paddington Railway AccidentAsylum to action: Paddington Day Hospital, therapeutic communities and beyondAsylum to action: Paddington Day Hospital, therapeutic communities and beyond.Paddington Complexity Scale and Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents.Bacterial flora of the upper respiratory tract in Paddington families. 1952-4.Stewart Computational Chemistry, 15210 Paddington Circle, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80921FATAL BLUNDER AT PADDINGTON; Signallers Watched but Failed to Take Action Rail Chiefs Blamed for 'Paralysis' over SafetyDetection of alcohol misusing patients in accident and emergency departments: the Paddington alcohol test (PAT)