Acanthocyclops iskrecensis PANDOURSKI, 1992 (Crustacea, Copepoda, Cyclopoida) from the Karstic Groundwaters of Eastern SerbiaComposition, origine et formation de la faune cyclopidienne stygobie de Bulgarie. Définition du groupe d`espèces "kieferi"du genr...Structure and Variability of Alarm Calls of European Ground Squirrel Spermophilus citellus L. 1766 (Mammalia: Rodentia) from Western...Bat diversity in two large towns of the Upper Thrace, Bulgaria (Chiroptera)Morphological variability and teratology of lower crustaceans (Copepoda and Branchiopoda) from circumpolar regionsTeratological morphology of copepods (Crustacea) from IcelandCyclopides (Crustacea, Copepoda) des eaux souterraines de la Bulgarie Cyclopides du massif karstique de Bosnek, montagnes de Vitocha...Regulatory factors in crustacean zooplankton assemblages in mountain lakes of northern Chilean Patagonia (38-41°S): a comparison wi...Stygofauna of the Fresh Waters in BulgariaRecords of Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Vasilyovska Planina Mountain, Northern Bulgaria