Pantomimic representation in psychotic childrenPantomimic Gestures for Human–Robot InteractionPantomimic gestures reveal the sensorimotor imagery of a human-fostered gorillaAn assessment of gestural and pantomimic deficit in aphasic patientsTesting causal theories of pantomimic deficits in aphasia using path analysisThree studies of deficits in pantomimic expression and pantomimic recognition in aphasia.The mnemonic effect of speech gestures: Pantomimic and non-pantomimic gestures compared"The Natural Propensity of Imitation": or, Pantomimic Poetics and the Rhetoric of Augustan WitComparison of the performances of a fluent and a nonfluent aphasic on a pantomimic referential taskComparing the Products and the Processes of Creating Sign Language Poetry and Pantomimic Improvisations