Virologic versus cytologic triage of women with equivocal Pap smears: a meta-analysis of the accuracy to detect high-grade intraepit...
Genomic amplification of the human telomerase gene (TERC) in pap smears predicts the development of cervical cancer
Organised vs. spontaneous pap‐smear screening for cervical cancer: A case‐control study
Demographic predictors of mammography and Pap smear screening in US women.
Higher incidence of abnormal Pap smears in women with inflammatory bowel disease
Enhancing adherence following abnormal Pap smears among low-income minority women: a preventive telephone counseling strategy
PEAPS-Q: A Questionnaire to measure the Psychosocial Effects of Having an Abnormal Pap Smear
Improving adherence to screening follow-up among women with abnormal pap smears: Results from a large clinic-based trial of three in...
A comparison of physician and patient reports of Pap smear histories
Accuracy of self-report of mammography and Pap smear in a low-income urban population.