Hyperglycemia with and without glycosuria: effect on inulin and para-amino hippurate clearanceA micro method to measure para-amino hippurate and creatinine in plasma and urine.The maximal tubular transfer of glucose and para-amino hippurate in premature infantsA discrepancy between renal extraction and urinary excretion of various substances (para-amino-hippurate, mannitol, creatinine, thio...Effect of the contrast medium meglumine amidotrizoate on renal extraction of para-amino hippurate after injection into the renal veinThe pulmonary retention of aerosols: a quantitative method of measurement using sodium para-amino hippurate.Effects of morphine on renal clearances of para-amino hippurate and sodium thiosulfate in the human kidneyTransference of para-amino-hippurate from the mother to the amniotic fluid.Comparison of 5-hydroxyindole-acetic acid and para-amino hippurate clearances in newborn rabbitsComparison of the 15-minute phenolsulfonphthalein (PSP) excretion test with inulin and para-amino-hippurate (PAH) clearances.