- A new method which was used to measure the content of aromatics in the form of liquid paraffine by the ultraviolet spectrophotometry method was introduced.
ParaffineMethod for pumpin paraffine base crude oilStatistical Theory of Linear Polymers : V. Paraffine-like ChainCharacteristic Comparison between Paraffine-Base and Naphthene-Base Transformer OilsLes premiers « fillers », vaseline et paraffine. Du miracle à la catastropheEine neue Theorie zur Rotationsumwandlung der n-Paraffine (Kinkentheorie)Ueber die vereinigte Wirkung von Hitze und Druck auf die ParaffineSome kinetic problems regarding the motion of neutrons through paraffineEmulsifier for shelf stable aqueous organosiloxane and/or paraffine oil emulsionsCinétique de croissance de la face (110) de la paraffine C 36 H 74 en solution : I. Croissance en mileu pur