parasitizeparasitizeUtilization of similar mechanisms by Legionella pneumophila to parasitize two evolutionarily distant host cells, mammalian macrophag...Biology and behavior of Pseudacteon decapitating flies (Diptera: Phoridae) that parasitize Solenopsis fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formic...USING LARVAL TREMATODES THAT PARASITIZE SNAILS TO EVALUATE A SALTMARSH RESTORATION PROJECTSubordinate superb fairy-wrens (Malurus cyaneus) parasitize the reproductive success of attractive dominant males.Genetic variation within a population of wasps in the ability to parasitize an aphid hostThe phylogenetic placement of Taenia cestodes that parasitize humans.ANTBIRDS PARASITIZE FORAGING ARMY ANTSBrown-Headed Cowbirds Parasitize Loggerhead Shrikes: First Records for Family Laniidae