PheidonSensor modeling, self-calibration and accuracy testing of panoramic cameras and laser scannersIntegrated laser scanner and intensity image calibration and accuracy assessmentTerahertz Antenna Technology and Verification: Herschel and Planck - A ReviewAnalysis of mineral grades for geometallurgy: Combined element-to-mineral conversion and quantitative X-ray diffractionAnalysis of mineral grades for geometallurgy: Combined element-to-mineral conversion and quantitative X-ray diffractionMonitoring of the reflectors of ESA's Planck telescope by close-range photogrammetryIdentification and classification of bulk paddy, brown, and white rice cultivars with colour features extraction using image analysi...Panoramic camera calibration using 3D straight linesOlder Age and Steroid Use Are Associated with Increasing Polypharmacy and Potential Medication Interactions Among Patients with Infl...