The International Prognostic Index correlates to survival in patients with aggressive lymphoma in relapse: analysis of the PARMA tri...F-actin-like filaments formed by plasmid segregation protein ParMBacterial mitosis: ParM of plasmid R1 moves plasmid DNA by an actin-like insertional polymerization mechanismMechanism of DNA segregation in prokaryotes: ParM partitioning protein of plasmid R1 co‐localizes with its replicon during the cell...Progress in the generic delimitation of Parmelia sensu lato lichens (Ascomycotina: Parmeliaceae) and a synoptic key to the Parmeliac...The Relationship Between Productivity and Species RichnessThe spread of invasive species and infectious disease as drivers of ecosystem change.Responses of Small Mammals and Vegetation to a Reintroduction of Gunnison's Prairie DogsPlant Production and Soil Microorganisms in Late-Successional Ecosystems: A Continental-Scale StudyFactors Determining the Abundance and Distribution of Rodents in a Shrub-Steppe Ecosystem: The Role of Shrubs