- Too much paronomasia will make your essay confusing.
PARONOMASIAparonomasiaParonomasiaSome Uses of Paronomasia in Old English Scriptural VersePun and Games: Paronomasia in the ESL ClassroomParonomasia in the Old TestamentLa paronomasia como recurso conceptual, expresivo y humorístico en la lengua española actualDatos para una tipología de la paronomasiaParonomasia in Hesiod Works and Days 80–85Twice as Much of Your Spirit: Pattern, Parallel and Paronomasia in the Miracles of Elijah and ElishaUn artificio fónico recurrente en la lengua poética de Gloria Fuertes: la paronomasiaParonomasia in the Samson Narrative in Judges XIII-XVIOn the Chinese Paronomasia Allegorical Saying from the Perspective of Phonetic Metaphor