- The parquet floors shone like mirrors.
镶木地板亮得像镜子。 - He slipped as he tried to waltz on the parquet floor.
Parquet-flooring unit
Parquet flooring block
Interlocking parquet block
Interlocking parquet block
Parquet solution for a flat Fermi surface
Direct determination of the quantum-mechanical density matrix: Parquet theory
Singularities in the X-Ray Absorption and Emission of Metals. I. First-Order Parquet Calculation
Conserving approximations for strongly fluctuating electron systems. II. Numerical results and parquet extension
Internal exposure to PAHs of children and adults living in homes with parquet flooring containing high levels of PAHs in the parquet...
Comparison of different laboratory methods for determining the formaldehyde emission from three-layer parquet floors