- After looking at our passports they let us go.
看过我们的护照之后,他们让我们走了。 - We had already had our passports visaed for Canada.
Method for secure e-passports and e-visas
Biometrics and their use in e-passports
A traceability attack against e-passports
A Traceability Attack against e-Passports
Security and Privacy Issues in E-passports
Passports from the past: Investigating human dispersals using strontium isotope analysis of tooth enamel
A Note on the Relay Attacks on e-passports: The Case of Czech e-passports
Passports, Mobility, and Security: How smart can the border be? | International Studies Perspectives | Oxford Academic
Efficient and secure source authentication with packet passports
Biometric security process for authenticating identity and credit cards, visas, passports and facial recognition