PACKAGING OF GROUND COFFEE OF THE PREDOSED PASTILLE TYPE AND ESPRESSO COFFEE MACHINE USING SUCH PACKAGINGThe effects of sugars and pectin on flavour release from a fruit pastille model systemClinical evaluation of a nystatin pastille for treatment of denture-related oral candidiasis * **Dexpanthenol pastille and benzydamine hydrochloride spray for the prevention of post‐operative sore throatAn MRI-compatible tactile display device based on IPN-CP pastille-shaped actuatorsAn MRI-compatible tactile display device based on IPN-CP pastille-shaped actuatorsSalivary nystatin concentrations after administration of an osmotic controlled release tablet and a pastillePastille de detergent a couches multiples comprenant a la fois des parties comprimees et des parties non comprimeesModulation of dendritic cell differentiation in the bone marrow mediates sustained immunosuppression after polymicrobial sepsis.Transient ablation of regulatory T cells improves antitumor immunity in colitis-associated colon cancer