Calcareous nannoplankton evolution and diversity through time
Evolution of halophytes: multiple origins of salt tolerance in land plants
The occurrence of mycorrhizas in halophytes, hydrophytes and xerophytes, and of Endogone spores in adjacent soils.
Arborescent lycopod reproduction and paleoecology in a coal-swamp environment of late Middle Pennsylvanian age (herrin coal, Illinoi...
Fossils and ferns in the resolution of land plant phylogeny
Origins of the machinery of recombination and sex
Abrupt vegetation changes in the Segura Mountains of southern Spain throughout the Holocene
Gametophytic selection in Raphanus raphanistrum: a test for heritable variation in pollen competitive ability.
Flowering Phenology of Six Woody Plants in the Northern Sonoran Desert
The effects of amenity management for angling on the conservation value of aquatic invertebrate communities in old industrial ponds