The reduction of radiation mucositis by selective decontamination antibiotic pastilles: a placebo-controlled double-blind trial.Produit vaisselle sous forme de pastilles pour lave-vaisselleProcédé et appareil pour transférer des pastilles semiconductrice entre membres de supportEffects of plant stanol esters supplied in a fat free milieu by pastilles on cholesterol metabolism in colectomized human subjects.In vitro and in vivo evaluation of multilayered pastilles for chronotherapeutic management of nocturnal asthma.The Role of Zinc Lozenges in Treatment of the Common ColdCONTROLLED-RELEASE SEX PHEROMONE LURES FOR MONITORING SPRUCE BUDWORM POPULATIONSKinetic Studies on the Thermal Decomposition of CaCO3The Development of Laser Ablation ICP‐MS and Calibration Strategies: Examples from the Analysis of Trace Elements in Volcanic Glass...Clinical Management of Salivary Gland Hypofunction and Xerostomia in Head-and-Neck Cancer Patients: Successes and Barriers