peak value峰值
peak load[经]最大负载
peak period波峰周期;尖峰期
peak power峰值功率,巅值功率
peak area[化]峰面积
peak time(收听广播、收看电视的)高峰时间
at the peak of在…高峰期
peak current峰值电流;峰电流
peak stress峰值应力
peak season旺季
peak shaving峰值负载抑制;高峰调节
absorption peak吸收峰;辐射吸收
peak pressure峰值压力;巅峰压力;最大压力
peak flow洪峰;最大流量
peak performance最佳表演;最佳性能
peak voltage峰值电压;峰压;最大电压
peak acceleration峰值加速度;最大加速度值
peak hour高峰时间;峰荷时间
peak height峰高
peak reverse voltage反峰电压;反向峰值电压
- Do I look silly with the peaked cap?
我戴上这顶鸭舌帽,看上去是不是有些傻? - Peaked caps signify royalty to many people.
在很多人看来,大盖帽是威严的象征。 - You're looking a little peaked today.
今天你看上去脸色不大好。 - Help your skin look less peaked.
An integrable shallow water equation with peaked solitons
VERITAS discovery of > 200 GeV gamma-ray emission from the intermediate-frequency-peaked BL Lacertae object W Comae
Classification of peaked spectrum sources by using neural networks
Has Private Equity Activity In Telecom Peaked?
The Diversity-Disturbance Relationship: Is It Generally Strong and Peaked?
The Compact Steep‐Spectrum and Gigahertz Peaked‐Spectrum Radio Sources
Population-based study of human papillomavirus infection and cervical neoplasia in rural Costa Rica.
Time Lines of Infection and Disease in Human Influenza: A Review of Volunteer Challenge Studies
A Genome-Wide Transcriptional Analysis of the Mitotic Cell Cycle
A Model of Political Competition with Citizen-Candidates