Your honorIt's Not My Fault, Your Honor, I'm Only the EnablerI can't remember your honor: offenders who claim amnesiaYOUR HONOR AS PART OF JURY? Judges reflect on their call to duty from new perspectiveTake a Letter, Your Honor: Outing the Judicial Epistemology of Hart v. Massanari'Your Honor, Restrain Us': The Political Dynamics of the Right to Be Elected in the Israeli Democracy“Yes, your honor!”: A corpus-based study of technical vocabulary in discipline-related movies and TV showsGuilty, Your Honor: The Direct and Collateral Consequences of Guilty Pleas and the Courts That Inconsistently Interpret Them"But Your Honor, It's in His Genes"the Case for Genetic Impairments as Grounds for a Downward Departure under the Federal Sentencin...Your Honor What I Meant to State Was...: A Comparative Analysis of the Judicial and Evidentiary Admission Doctrines as Applied to Co...