Mercury perchloride in surgery.Mercury perchloride in surgery.PERCHLORIDE OF MERCURY POISONING BY ABSORPTION FROM THE VAGINA.Production and market of ethylene perchloride and it's foregroundToxicity of mercury perchloride when used as an anti-cancer agent in colorectal surgery.Value of mercury perchloride and other agents in reducing tumour recurrence in colon anastomosisA CASE OF MERCURY POISONING FOLLOWING THE USE OF PERCHLORIDE OF MERCURY[Determination of cholesterol by means of the perchloride reaction: standardization of some methods]Healing of colonic anastomoses in the rat following irrigation with mercury perchloride and cetrimide solutionConductivity and Microstructure Study of PLA-Based Polymer Electrolyte Salted With Lithium Perchloride, LiClO4