- At the left, the periosteum is being lifted off.
左侧可见骨膜被掀起。 - We successfully used autogenous periosteum to reinforce scleral defects in 3 patients after a pterygium excision.
The role of periosteum in cartilage repair.
Human periosteum-derived cells maintain phenotypic stability and chondrogenic potential throughout expansion regardless of donor age
A rapid-curing alginate gel system: utility in periosteum-derived cartilage tissue engineering
Bone lengthening in rabbits by callus distraction. The role of periosteum and endosteum
Distribution of CGRP-, VIP-, DβH-, SP-, and NPY-immunoreactive nerves in the periosteum of the rat
Comparison of rat mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow, synovium, periosteum, adipose tissue, and muscle
Biologic resurfacing of a major joint defect with cryopreserved allogeneic periosteum under the influence of continuous passive moti...
Transforming growth factor-beta 1 stimulates chondrogenesis and inhibits osteogenesis in high density culture of periosteum-derived ...
Identification and characterization of a novel protein, periostin, with restricted expression to periosteum and periodontal ligament...
Effects of Cartilage-Derived Morphogenetic Proteins and Osteogenic Protein-1 on Osteochondrogenic Differentiation of Periosteum-Deri...