- Melting permafrost will hit existing and planned infrastructure.
冻土融化将冲击我们现有的和计划中的基础设施建设。 - Perhaps this is caused by the sudden melting of subsurface permafrost.
Permafrost and the Global Carbon Budget
Climate change. Permafrost and the global carbon budget.
Permafrost Degradation and Ecological Changes Associated with a WarmingClimate in Central Alaska
The effect of permafrost thaw on old carbon release and net carbon exchange from tundra.
Vulnerability of permafrost carbon to climate change: Implications for the global carbon cycle
Changing climate: geothermal evidence from permafrost in the alaskan arctic
Evidence for warming and thawing of discontinuous permafrost in Alaska
Microclimatic Influences on Ground Temperatures and Permafrost Distribution, Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories
High-mountainous permafrost under continental-climatic conditions: actual results of different mapping methods and an empirical-stat...
Variation and control of soil organic carbon and other nutrients in permafrost regions on central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau