- This paper analysed permalloy audio heads and tapes for failure.
对磨损失效的坡莫合金录音磁头和磁带进行了分析。 - Fe-based nanocrystalline cores can replace permalloy, and can be applied to electronic or electromagnetic leakage protection switching transformers.
Selective permalloy anisotropyMagnetic force microscopy of thin Permalloy filmsMagnetic Vortex Core Observation in Circular Dots of PermalloyCurrent-driven magnetic excitations in permalloy-based multilayer nanopillarsInductive measurement of ultrafast magnetization dynamics in thin-film PermalloyDirect Observation of Magnetic Relaxation in a Small Permalloy Disk by Time-Resolved Scanning Kerr MicroscopyMagnetic Vortex Core Observation in Circular Dots of Permalloy (SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY-Artificial Lattice Allolys)Direct observation of the coherent precession of magnetic domain walls propagating along permalloy nanowiresInfluence of current on field-driven domain wall motion in permalloy nanowires from time resolved measurements of anisotropic magnet...Dependence of current and field driven depinning of domain walls on their structure and chirality in permalloy nanowires.